The Anna Tumarkin Lectures in Philosophy present outstanding women philosophers. Over three consecutive evenings a philosopher presents her current philosophical work.
Laura Valentini is the chair for Philosophy and Political theory at LMU Munich. She works in contemporary political, legal, and moral philosophy. Particular research interests include: global justice, democracy, freedom, (human) rights, political obligation, the methodology of political theory, and the relation between moral philosophy and social ontology.
Laura Valentini is the author of Justice in a Globalized World and Morality and Socially Constructed Norms. In 2015, she was awarded the Philip Leverhulme Prize in Politics and International Relations.
27. May 2024, Lecture 1: Solving the mystery of normative powers
28. May 2024, Lecture 2: Normative powers and conventional norms
29. May 2024 Lecture 3: Personal sovereignty, conventional norms, and social critique
The philosopher Anna Tumarkin (1875–1951) was a pioneer in the academic world. A Russian-Jewish immigrant, she studied in Bern and, after a stay in Berlin, was the first female professor at the University of Bern, as well as one of the first women in Europe to achieve a university professorship on the normal career path. Anna Tumarkin published in the history of philosophy, philosophical psychology, and aesthetics. She also lobbied for women’s right to vote.