Marcel Twele
Practical Philosophy
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- Universität Bern
Institut für Philosophie
Länggassstrasse 49a
3012 Bern
Academic Positions:
2010-2015 BA in Philosophy / Minor: Regionalstudies Asia and Africa (Humboldt-University of Berlin).
2015-2017 MA in Philosophy (Humboldt-University of Berlin).
2018-2020 PhD in Philosophy (Humboldt-University of Berlin).
2018-2021 Research associate at the chair of Political Philosophy and Environmental Ethics at the Humboldt University of Berlin, IRITHESys.
2019 (fallterm) Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, Boston, USA.
2016 „Von Menschenrechten und Hilfspflichten“ (Human Rights and the duty to aid), in: Welche und wie viele Flüchtlinge sollen wir aufnehmen?, Ed. Thomas Grundmann & Achim Stephan, Stuttgart: Reclam Verlag.
2021 „Armut und Chancengleichheit“ (Poverty and Equality of Opportunity), in: Handbuch Philosophie und Armut, Ed. Gottfried Schweiger & Clemens Sedmak, Stuttgart: Metzler Verlag.
2022 „What Libertarians (Should) Think About Inheritance Taxation“, in: Res Publica.
Research and interests:
Distributive Justice, Egalitarianism, Theories of Well-being, Public Reason, Inheritance Taxation, Philosophy of Economics.