Welcome to the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bern.
The Institute of Philosophy at the University of Bern is one of the largest philosophy departments in Switzerland. It consists of up to 35 researchers and employees. In addition, the Institute is pleased to be welcoming many world-renowned philosophers each semester, as guests to a considerable number of international workshops, lecture series, and courses organized by the Institute. The Institute of Philosophy is subdivided into three departments, the department for logic and theoretical philosophy, the department for practical philosophy and the department for history of philosophy, which are supported by a shared administrative office.
Lecture series: Institutskolloquium & krino
Thursdays at 6:15 pm
Institut für Philosophie
Einstein Lectures 2024
What makes us human? The podcast of the Einstein Lectures 2024 with Susan R. Wolf are now available.
Neue Ausgabe | November 2024 Andreas Cassee und Anna Goppel im Gespräch mit Peter Schaber zum Thema Organspende Ist es bloss löblich, postmortal Organe zu spenden, oder sind wir moralisch dazu verpflichtet? Und wie sollte die Organspende rechtlich geregelt werden? Ein Gespräch mit Peter Schaber, emeritierter Professor für Angewandte Ethik an der Universität Zürich.
Bücher und Artikel der Forschenden des Instituts
Provisional timetable and course booklet for FS 2025 now online.
Institute of Philosophy
Fünf Gründe für den Berner Philosophie-Master
About the master program Political, Legal, and Economic Philosophy
Studierende sind eingeladen, Abschlussarbeiten im Forschungsprojekt How Far Does Reflective Equilibrium Take Us? Investigating the Power of a Philosophical Method zu schreiben!
Länggassstrasse 49a 3012 Bern
Phone: +41 31 684 80 55 sekretariat.philo@unibe.ch