Research Interests

Practical Philosophy

The research of Prof. Dr. Anna Goppel focuses on political philosophy, normative and applied ethics. She is currently working on the ethical issues of migration, political co-determination and citizenship, the ethics of voting, moral complicity, and the normative significance of close relationships.

Portrait von Andreas Müller

Prof. Dr. Andreas Müller deals mainly with underlying questions of practical philosophy (i.e., the nature of normative reasons and their role in rational thinking) and with issues of normative ethics (i.e., on the moral relevance of consent). In this context, he also works on problems of applied ethics, especially in the field of medicine and sexuality. His other research interests concern questions of responsibility attribution in the use of complex computer systems, such as the control of surgical robots or autonomous weapon systems.

Portrait von Lukas Naegeli

Dr. Lukas Naegeli’s research interests lie primarily in normative ethics and metaethics. He is currently working on a habilitation project on moral duties and their relation to practical reasons, with a particular interest in the deliberative role of moral duties and the phenomenon of directedness. In addition, he is concerned with demandingness objections in ethics and, in this context, also with applied questions of consumer ethics.

Theoretical Philosophy

The research of Prof. Dr. Claus Beisbart focuses on general philosophy of science and philosophy of physics. In particular, he researches the epistemology of modeling and simulation, probabilities and limits of knowledge, e.g., in cosmology. He is also interested in philosophical methods, in particular, the equilibrium of thought and explication, and the foundation of ethics.

Vera Hoffmann-Kolss’s research interests lie at the intersection of metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of science. The main focus of her current research is on causation and causal models. She is also interested in the metaphysics of properties, the mind-body problem, and the recent debate on ontological indeterminacy.

Prof. Dr. Georg Brun has a keen interest in methods of conceptualization, argumentation, justification, and rational decision-making. Thematically, his work covers a broad spectrum: from the use of formal methods in logic to theories of epistemic justification and understanding to questions of metaethics, symbol theory, and environmental philosophy. In his research, Georg Brun seeks explications and reflective equilibria, as well as a better understanding of these methods

Dr. Matthias Egg researches on topics at the interface of philosophy and natural science, in particular on scientific realism and the philosophical implications of quantum physics. In addition to the importance of physical theories in the narrow sense, he is also interested in the influence of natural science on our general worldview and self-perception.

History of Philosophy

Prof. Dr. Richard King's research covers ancient philosophy, especially Aristotle and Plotinus, as well as ancient Chinese philosophy.