Dr. Yumi Suzuki

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (PostDoc, SNF)

SNF Projekt “Green Antiquity: Sino-Hellenic Environmental Philosophy”

Unitobler, B 206
Universität Bern
Institut für Philosophie
Länggassstrasse 49a
3012 Bern
Pers. Website

Education & Training

  • PhD in Philosophy, University of Hong Kong
  • MA by Thesis in Classics, University of Durham
  • MA in Ancient Philosophy, University of Durham

I have taught a wide range of philosophical topics (both ancient and modern) as a tutor and as a lecturer at the Department of Philosophy at University of Hong Kong between 2013 and 2018. I am also an honorary postdoctoral fellow at Department of Philosophy at East China Normal University in Shanghai since January 2019.

Research Interests

  • Chinese Philosophy
  • Graeco-Roman Philosophy
  • Comparative/Intercultural Philosophy
  • Ethics and Moral Philosophy
  • Methods of Philosophy
  • Ancient Philosophy of Science (esp. biology, medicine, cosmology, and cosmogony)